Interfaces Of Operating System

A user interface can be defined as the combination of hardware and software that helps people and computers communicate with each other.

Your computer's user interface a display device, mouse

a. Command line interface (e.g DOS -Disk Operating System)
    The command-line user interface requires a user to type commands or press special keys on the keyboard to enter data and instructions that instruct the operating system what to do. It has to be typed one line at a time. For example, if we want to rename a filename from ABC.txt to DEF.txt we use the following command.

 C: >rename abc.txt def.txt

b. Menu driven interface 
    Menu  driven user interface enables the user to avoid memorizing keywords such as copy,paste and syntax. On screen, menu-drive interface provide menus as means of entering commands.It shows all the options available at a given point in a form of text-based menu.

c. Graphical user interface (e.g Windows XP) 
    Graphical user interface makes use of the computer's graphics capabilities to make the operating system and programs easier to use ,which is also called  " user-friendly " .
    Graphical user interface interact with visual images such as buttons, icons, and other graphical objects to issue command. On the desktop, we can initiate many actions by clicking icons that represent computer resources such as files, programs and network connections.

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